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Welcome! I’d love to get to know you.

If you want sneak peeks at what’s coming up, join the email crew!

I occasionally send out emails about special events, upcoming books, and giveaways!

And I’m constantly fighting the urge to use far too many exclamation points in my emails!

But I tend to lose that battle, so I come across as unhinged!

Come witness my slow descent into madness!

Send me an email!

Let’s connect!

Personal/author Instagram—this is the social media I’m the most active on

I also have several social media accounts under the handle Anything for Stories.

Anything for Stories, storytelling through words and art

Anything for Stories YouTube—where I post videos showing the writing and art process

Anything for Stories Tumblr—where I post on occasion as well as reblog cool art and helpful writing tips

Anything for Stories Instagram—mostly an art account